About Us


Since 1974, Minnesota Copy Systems has provided businesses and organizations like yours with technical solutions, including computers and computer systems. Thus, we decided it was time to change our name to reflect our total service offerings. Minnesota Copy Systems is now Minnesota Computer Systems Inc., or MCSI.

From our beginnings in copy/fax/print/scan, our company’s ability to serve customers through technology has expanded to such an extent that we can easily handle your business’s total technology needs—work station to corporate network.Get connected. Technologies to help you succeed are within your reach at Minnesota Computer Systems, Inc. (MCSI). And you don't have to know "geek" to use them! Investigate the accessible and affordable products and services we offer. You'll realize that MCSI is the perfect technology partner for your business, whatever your size, whatever your need-from single workstation to corporate network.

Rental, Installation, Repairs, Backups, Updates, Maintenance, Protection, Recovery, House calls, OS repair, De-bugging, Diagnostics, Remote Help, Network Support, VPN Setup, Website design, Custom software. Be assured that we are up-to-the-minute with changes that affect you. We're so much more than a print and copy store.